Elbow Pain Specialist
Knoxville’s Best Choice for Orthopedic Elbow Surgery
If you have inflammation or swelling, redness, continuous pain, or can no longer lift and hold items, you should make an appointment to see any of our physicians.
Getting Elbow Surgery in Knoxville
If you’re experiencing pain in your elbow or forearm that’s keeping you from enjoying the activities you love, the orthopedic elbow surgeons at Parkwest Surgery Center can help. We diagnose and treat countless patients in and around greater Knoxville that suffer from golfers elbow, tennis elbow, tendinitis, and other conditions that cause pain and swelling in the elbow.
Golfers Elbow Keeping You From Hitting The Links?
Golfer’s Elbow is a painful condition that causes pain on the inside of the elbow. It’s similar to Tennis Elbow, which causes pain on the outside of the elbow. Both golfers and tennis players repeatedly clench their fingers and can overuse their wrists, which is where these two irritating conditions originate.
Golfer’s Elbow or Tennis Elbow don’t have to keep you from participating in your favorite sports. Parkwest Surgery Center help athletes recover the healthy use of their arms so they don’t have to sacrifice their skills to an ongoing painful condition. Using a combination of medication, rest, and physical therapy, most cases of Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow can be treated without surgery.
Non-surgical Treatments For Elbow Pain
Treatments for elbow pain vary greatly depending on the type and severity of your condition. Many times, elbow injuries are due to overuse, so lifestyle changes can make a big difference to elbow pain sufferers. If your job or hobby includes repetitive motions of the elbow, such as painting, playing tennis, working as a dentist or dental assistant, or playing an instrument – rest and medication might be all your need to feel better. Physical therapy can also help to teach you how to perform the movements you need for your job or hobby without injuring your elbow.

When Should I See An Elbow Specialist?
If you’re experiencing consistent pain and inflammation of the elbow, or have a hard time lifting and holding items, an elbow surgeon at Parkwest Surgery Center can help. There’s no need to take over-the-counter pain relievers constantly just to get through your day. The elbow specialists at Parkwest Surgery Center are experts at getting to the root of elbow pain. Through testing, experience, and insight, our orthopedic elbow specialists will provide you with an accurate, informed diagnosis and effective treatment.
See An Elbow Surgeon Near You
Parkwest Surgery Center believes that providing great care to patients starts by being part of the communities we serve. Our orthopedic elbow specialists are here to serve you with compassionate, expert care close to home.
Best Elbow Surgery In Knoxville
Though we always strive to provide the most conservative care possible, sometimes, elbow surgery is the best way to treat elbow pain. If your condition necessitates elbow surgery, one of our orthopedic elbow surgeons will guide you through the process and help you feel totally confident about the choices you are making for your health.
Many options for elbow surgery are outpatient, minimally invasive and do not include a long recovery time. Sometimes the word “surgery” can sound scary, but don’t let that keep you from living the pain-free life you deserve. With modern advancements in elbow surgery technology, our surgeons are able to provide positive results with less after-surgery pain and recovery time than ever before.